Steve and Shaaron’s books...
Steve and Shaaron’s books...
The Complete Secret of Happy Children, published in 27 languages, has sold 2 million copies. It covers the whole of childhood, and was a breakthrough book in many countries in encouraging more affectionate, warm and engaged parenting. How to have discipline without using fear, and how to listen so children tell you their needs and fears before problems arise. A parent-friendly, funny, and easy to read book about understanding children and how they grow.
Raising Boys was the first book to acknowledge that boys really are different. Including the 3 stages of boyhood, what dads do, help for single mums, and how to help boys be contributing, caring and positive at home and school. A million and a half copies sold, in 21 languages. This book now includes new material on teens and late teens as well as boys right from babyhood on.
Raising a Happy Child (in the precious years from birth to six) is in Steve’s view the best of the Biddulph books. Written by Shaaron Biddulph with Steve’s help, it covers the years from birth to six intensively, with warm hearted stories and simple ways to help your baby toddler and preschooler love life and learn confidently.
Raising Babies was the book that created a storm in the UK with its evidence- based survey of the research on daycare. It shows how inferior daycare is, compared with parental care by mothers and fathers. It was written as part of the (successful) campaign by child development experts for proper parental leave in that country. (Its title is somewhat misleading, and we’d prefer it to be titled “Should Under Threes Go to Nursery?” )
The New Manhood is a powerful book about how the “river of healthy masculinity” was broken through the distance between fathers and sons, and addresses how to heal and become a whole man. Growing up, sex, love, marriage, friends, work, meaning and spirit. A life changing book for thousands of men, and the women who love them.
The Making of Love - an easy to read book on marriage communication, now hard to find but available on ebay and elsewhere. Written when we were naive 30-somethings ourselves, but still this is the book many people stop us to say thankyou for.
Love Laughter and Parenting was the original large format edition of Raising a Happy Child, from Dorling Kindersley
It has beautiful photography of real people as opposed to models, and uses poems, letters and song lyrics as well as how-to activities for every age from birth to six. The full content is retained in Raising a Happy Child, simply smaller pages !
Stories of Manhood is a collection of intimate and inspiring writings collected by Steve to illustrate that men are in a period of rapid and positive change. Includes famous authors as well as unknown men, and shows the intense and self aware world inside men that women rarely witness.
Our books are available from most bookshops as well as and in most libraries in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the UK
Languages include French, Spanish, Italian, German, Brazilian (Portuguese), Czech, Polish, Bahasa Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Croatian, Arabic, Flemish, Dutch, Hebrew, Hindi, Latvian, Russian, Finnish, Hungarian, Korean, and many we are not sure of !